UPTE Mt. San Jacinto College Associate Faculty ratifies new contract
Between July 8 and 12, 2024, nearly one hundred University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) Associate Faculty members cast their ballots to ratify our new contract with the administration of Mt. San Jacinto College.
We’re proud that UPTE members at Mt. San Jacinto College cast a ballot, unanimously voting YES to support our proposals to win a strong contract at the public community college here in Riverside County.
Remember, it’s our collective strength that helped us achieve our new contract. Together, we can continue building a stronger, more inclusive union that represents the goals and priorities of every UPTE associate faculty member at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Watch our video breaking down what we voted for in our new contract!
What’s in our new contract?
Retro Raises begin to address pay parity in the region AND includes Yearly Raises
10.5% Retroactive Raise (2022-23)
8.5% one-time payment based on 2023-2024 earnings.
4% Raise (2024-25 academic year)
2% Raise (2025-26 academic year)
2% Raise (2026-27 academic year)
Additional Clause: We return to bargaining over pay if other units receive higher raises.
Paid Office Hours (with better amount of Paid Time):
1.5 hours for each unit taught per semester @ $35/hour
9 units = 13.5 hours
Associate faculty members will decide where office hours will be held, in person or online, as best suits students' needs.
Seniority Rights Language AND:
**Implements Transparency
**NO detrimental Riders
Transparent date of hire list provided to UPTE-CWA Unit Members each year July 1
NOT affected by student evaluations
Transparency with student evaluations: annual student evaluations will not have more weight in the student evaluation process.
The contract includes an agreement to bargain a Healthcare Agreement: WHEN the state healthcare reimbursement program is funded in the upcoming year or in the future.
**State Healthcare Reimbursement Program for Part-Time Healthcare did not receive funding this year.
Improvements to the initial steps of the grievance process, BUT: the President/Board of Trustees has the final verdict on the mediation outcome.
Our plan is straightforward: to secure Binding Arbitration, a key element in the grievance process, we must forge a robust partnership with the Full-Time Faculty. Their current lack of this option makes their involvement crucial.
Catastrophic Leave Policy.
It contains clear rights to conduct New Employee Union Orientations.
It contains a policy allowing member leaders to use up to 80 hours per year of paid union release time to conduct union business.
Being an active member of University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119 (UPTE CWA 9119) demonstrates to the administration and your coworkers that you support our efforts to make Mt. San Jacinto College a better place to work for us all. By working together towards common goals, we win things like improved compensation, better working conditions, and more. If you aren’t currently a member, you can become one today by signing up here.