Who we are

We are SPSE - Society of Professionals, Scientists, and Engineers University of Professional & Technical Employees Chapter 11, CWA Local 9119, AFL-CIO.

We are a union open to all Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS) employees. SPSE was established in 1973 in the wake of a series of botched layoffs at LLNL. We formally affiliated with University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) in 2006. We directly represent a unit of over 200 LLNS 800-series Skilled Crafts employees through collective bargaining and provide grievance support and advice to members from all job classes.

Proud history

SPSE-UPTE has brought, aided and supported a series of publicity campaigns and legal actions against management that over time have gotten Lab employees access to their performance appraisals (previously kept secret), and forced UC to reveal lists of salaries and rankings that ultimately led to pay equity increases for women and minorities. Though LLNS now withholds this data, claiming private business prerogative, we are seeking to regain transparency of it through the Freedom of Information Act.

Facing Today’s

Through recent, unprecedented changes to the Lab’s Personnel Policy Manual (PPM), LLNS management has severely diminished the rights employees enjoyed under UC management prior to the 2007 transition. These changes have undermined job security for all of us, and have led LLNS to resemble the worst of private-sector employers. Layoffs can now occur down to the level of the smallest work units, and for any “business reason” management claims as justification. Under the new policy, you cannot challenge your layoff through arbitration.

We believe the best way to address this is to exercise our remaining rights: join together, pool our talents and knowledge, inform each other, collectively condemn injustice, and fight back in ways likely to bring about positive change. In short, to become activists. If you’re invested enough to want an LLNL career, then you have a stake in making it the best possible workplace. This is your Lab as much as – no, more than – management’s.

SPSE-UPTE is a democratic, member-run union made up entirely of LLNL employees. Decisions are made by SPSE-UPTE members and their elected representatives. Our success is due to the high level of activism among our members. We invite you to join us.

Join us

Mail completed Professional & Technical membership form or Skilled Trades membership form to: Steve Balke/SPSE-UPTE, L-385, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551

Membership in SPSE-UPTE is open to any LLNL employee not already represented by another union. Monthly Dues are $65/month for Skilled Trades and $25/month for Professional & Technical workers.