Negotiations for our next contract at

UC & LBNL are currently underway.

You can meet our bargaining team, stay up-to-date on the status of those negotiations, and find opportunities to attend bargaining in person at

Who we are

We are Research Support (RX), Healthcare Professionals (HX), and Technical Employees (TX) working across the University of California. We work as staff research associates, lab assistants, animal technicians, electronics technicians, scene technicians, audiologists, case managers, clinical social workers, dietitians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and countless others.


Unrepresented Employees

UC has moved UPTE’s bargaining unit work into a number of different titles that remain unrepresented in order to undermine our strength as a union. If you are in one of these titles and are interested in organizing for UPTE representation, please fill out the following form.