Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Strikes Authorized by 98%, Statewide Strike Called for Feb 26 - 28

Our statewide strike vote has closed, and today, UPTE is announcing a statewide strike from February 26 to 28, 2025, in response to UC's ongoing unfair labor practices.You can check out our announcement in the Los Angeles Times.

Four times as many UPTE members participated this time compared to our last statewide strike vote in 2018, voting to authorize the strike by 98%. Instead of working together to address the recruitment and retention crisis, UC is attempting to silence workers for speaking out for our patients, research, and students. 

UC has enacted new rules to limit our ability to advocate for ourselves and interfered with our rights by unilaterally forcing individuals to come to work during our November unfair practice strike at UCSF. With public healthcare, research, and education under attack from the federal government, it is more important than ever that we defend our rights to advocate for our professions.

Whether UC attempts to stop us from speaking up for patient care, students, or the public—or continues bargaining in bad faith—it is up to us to take action to hold them accountable. Don't just stay home from work; our patients, research, and students are counting on us.

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

UPTE files major charge against UC’s crackdown on free speech

Over the last year, the University of California has imposed draconian rules that attempt to stop workers from advocating on behalf of their patients, research, and students.

This January, UPTE filed a 490-page charge with the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), forcefully challenging dozens of UC’s new rules. These repressive policies set unconscionable limits on both employee and union speech, running counter to well-established protections under state and federal law. The Public Employee Relations Board is responsible for safeguarding the collective bargaining statutes that govern employees of California’s universities and other public institutions across the state.

Among UC’s many repressive measures, UC San Francisco and UC Davis now ban a lone leafletter from venturing closer than fifty feet from any door, while UC Merced forces every picketer or leafletter to remain thirty feet away from walkways, roadways, or doors. Our charge highlights that in 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a thirty-five-foot buffer zone around doorways, underscoring the outrageous nature of UC’s even more extreme demands.

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

Stepping up advocacy for research, education, & healthcare ahead of Feb 3 strike vote

On January 22, more than fifty UPTE members from across the state gathered in Sacramento to inform state legislators about the dire state of negotiations with the University of California.

We met with eighty-three offices, including California State Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, the Majority Leader of the California State Assembly, as well as California State Superintendent of Public Instruction and UC Regent Tony Thurmond, who expressed their strong support for our efforts.

Whether you attended our first official Lobby Day last week in person or not, I wanted to share our recap video of the event. Watch and share it on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Twitter.

A number of legislators have already signed on to a letter demanding that UC President Michael V. Drake work with us to address the recruitment and retention crisis. We expect many more to do so in the coming weeks.

Given new threats to healthcare and research in the public interest from the federal government, we hope that UC will take this opportunity to begin working with us to advocate for our patients, research, and students—rather than continuing to waste precious time and resources on their bad faith bargaining and unfair labor practices.

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

UPTE members at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ratify new contract

Just in case you didn't hear the exciting news: Between Thursday, January 23, and today, Monday, January 27, 2025, nearly three-fourths of University Professional and Technical Employees CWA Local 9119 (UPTE CWA 9119) members cast their ballots to ratify our new contract with Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.

We're proud that UPTE members at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory cast a ballot, voting overwhelmingly yes—over ninety-eight percent—to ratify a strong contract at the federally funded research and development center in Livermore, California. As so many members voted so quickly and so resolutely, your bargaining team has decided to close the contract ratification vote, ratify the contract, and inform lab management of our decision.

Remember, it's our collective strength that helped us achieve our new contract. Together, we can continue building a stronger, more inclusive union representing the goals and priorities of every UPTE member at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. If you're invested enough to want a career at Lawrence Livermore Lab, you have a stake in making it the best possible workplace. Livermore Lab belongs to us as much as—no, even more than—it does to management.

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

Increased Premiums and Co-Pays are Illegal and Cruel

Workers across the state report that UC has illegally implemented increased co-pays—which was one of the bases for our November unfair labor practice strike at UCSF—and has now made new changes to premiums.

Increased monthly co-insurance of $150 for specialty drugs hit the lowest paid workers hardest and are especially cruel to those of us who need these drugs for ourselves or family members battling life-threatening illnesses or just to live happy and productive lives. UC made these changes even though unilateral changes are unlawful during bargaining, despite our active unfair labor practice charges over this illegal action.

"The increase in specialty drug co-insurance, from $40 to $150, has a significant financial impact on my family and countless other patients who are facing similar increases. Such increases can mean difficult decisions between paying for essential treatments or other basic needs, further exacerbating the financial burdens that already come with managing chronic health conditions."

Judd Laraway
UPTE Bargaining Team Member
UC San Diego Senior Physician Assistant

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

Welcome to UPTE! Here’s how your union works and benefits you

Excellent news! Over the holiday break, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) ruled that Research & Development Engineers 1-3 should be represented by UPTE's Technical (TX) bargaining unit, which already represents Lab Mechanicians, Development Technicians, and Systems Administrators, among many other titles throughout the University of California.

Your wages, working conditions, and benefits will be protected by the UPTE TX contract, which we are in the process of improving in negotiations that started in June. UC has offered 15% in raises and steps over 3 years - and we are fighting for more.

Click here to see a comparison of what UPTE members are asking for and what UC is offering, and click here for highlights of other benefits of our contracts.

Click here to sign a membership form and let UC know that you’ll be standing with 20,000 other UPTE technical, healthcare, and research professionals as we fight for a contract that protects our families, research, patients, and students.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Statewide Strike Vote Begins February 3rd

Step increases were not processed for the first full pay period in January because, after 7 months of bargaining, UC continues to bargain in bad faith and has refused to engage over our bargaining priorities meaningfully.

A statewide strike authorization vote will begin on February 3rd. This vote will ask you to authorize UPTE leadership to call strikes in response to UC's ongoing bad-faith bargaining or other unfair labor practices UC commits, failure to agree to your bargaining priorities, and in solidarity with our AFSCME 3299 siblings who are also fighting for similar demands to protect our patients, research, and students.  

Instead of bargaining in good faith to address your concerns, UC has refused to provide information and has insisted on maintaining illegal restrictions on our ability to advocate for ourselves, our patients, our research, and our students. If UC continues to commit unfair labor practices, we must be ready to hold it accountable statewide. 

The next step in negotiations - mediation - has been scheduled for January 28-29. While we hope that UC will engage in mediation in good faith, UC has shown no inclination to do so at the bargaining table. Neither mediation nor the impasse process ultimately requires UC to make movement in their bargaining proposals - that is ultimately up to our willingness to take collective action. Click here for a brief explanation of the "impasse" process.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

2024 was an incredible year

2024 was another incredible year for UPTE, capped by thousands of members striking at UCSF on November 20-21. UC can have no doubt about how ready UPTE members are to continue fighting for their patientsresearch, and students.

Earlier this month, the LA Times ran a powerful story about UPTE researchers at UC Davis, who are fighting back against low wages, high turnover, misclassification and understaffing, all while carrying the burden of trying to stop bird flu from turning into the next pandemic.  We won strong contracts at Mt. San Jacinto College and College of the Sequoias, with significant progress made at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Despite LLNL management taking bargaining more seriously than UC, members are still preparing to strike, if necessary.

Our membership is at a historic high, with more than 2,200 members joining UPTE since last December. Those members are more engaged than ever, which means that we are ready to take on the challenges of 2025 and beyond, whatever those may be.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Contract Bargaining with UC Reaches Impasse

After our 24th day of bargaining, the University showed no intention to address our priorities nor to take their legal obligations more seriously. 

When we asked the University to explain the claim that they are offering 19-23% raises (when in fact UC has offered just 11% across the board raises) UC's Chief Negotiator said "I didn't do the update, so no, I won't try to."

On December 11, we informed the University that we believe negotiations are no longer productive and that we should begin an 'impasse' process required by the Public Employment Relations Board before we are able to call a strike directly over our bargaining priorities. We can continue to strike in response to the University's Unfair Labor Practices during this time.

Your bargaining team is recommending that UPTE hold a statewide strike vote to authorize UPTE leadership to call a strike in response to unfair labor practices committed by UC. 

Among the ongoing unfair labor practices UC has committed are their unilateral increase to healthcare costs, bad faith bargaining, and unconstitutional restrictions on union speech and activities. 

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

UPTE members at UC Davis blow the whistle on dangerous lab conditions in the facility testing dairy and poultry for bird flu

We knew how the world reacted to a worldwide pandemic with COVID-19. In California alone, nearly one hundred ten thousand have died from the contagious disease since first being detected in late January 2020. We have seen how our loved ones and entire communities were devastated by the pandemic. That is why we need to be on guard for the next time.

Workers at the California Animal Health & Food Safety Lab System (CAHFS) at UC Davis are raising the alarm about severe understaffing and unsafe conditions that jeopardize critical testing for diseases like Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1).

On December 11 at 12 pm, these essential workers who are protecting the health and safety of our communities staged an informational picket at UC Davis. Please click here to send an email in support of them to Dean Stetter.

You may have seen the recent Los Angeles Times article highlighting the working conditions that workers have to endure on a daily basis just to protect all of us. The fight that CAHFS workers are going through is what we mean when talking about resetting UC's priorities to serve ALL Californians.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Our unfair labor practice strike at UCSF is over, but our fight to reset UC’s priorities continues

If UC had any doubts that UPTE members were willing to do whatever it takes to end the University's unfair labor practices and the crisis of recruitment and retention, our strike at UCSF put those to rest.

Through wind and rain, UPTE members at UCSF came out in their biggest numbers ever. Please take a look at the incredible photos and videos on TwitterInstagram, FacebookThreads, and Bluesky to get a sense of what it looked and felt like. You can also take a look at our coverage of our unfair labor practice strike in the San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco ExaminerKTVU FOX 2 San Francisco, and ABC News.

In an email to UCSF staff this morning, Chancellor Hawgood and Suresh Gunasekaran, the President and CEO of UCSF Health, acknowledged that "[t]he strike has had an impact on all of us, and its effects will linger in the weeks ahead."

UC now knows how prepared thousands of UPTE members across the state are to strike if they continue their unfair labor practices.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

UC San Francisco will hold an unfair labor practice strike on Nov 20 & 21

Today, we are announcing that a ULP strike will take place at UCSF on November 20 and 21, 2024. We are limiting this strike to UCSF in order to give UC an opportunity to begin to bargain in good faith.

If they don't - and if they continue their pattern of unlawful behavior—all 20,000 UPTE workers across the state need to be prepared to act to hold UC accountable.

For five months, UC has refused to meaningfully engage with any of our proposals. The University's refusal to bargain in good faith is not just illegal, it insults the commitment that each and every one of you has to your patients, research, and students. I have heard again and again from clinicians who report that short staffing and delayed care could mean permanent health impacts.

If and when the time comes for a strike at your campus, I hope you'll be prepared to stand with thousands of UPTE members across the state.

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

Bargaining Update #10

On Friday, UPTE and the University concluded our twenty-third day of bargaining. Even with all of our contracts now expired, UC has yet to provide a pay proposal for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and is explicitly refusing—unlawfully—to bargain over our inclusion in the mortgage loan program it provides to Executives and Faculty.

While UC finally acknowledged the importance of guaranteeing the use of vacation accruals, they have not offered improved accruals or the right to cash out vacation despite already providing higher accruals to executives and managers. Overall, the movement made by the University after five months and ten bargaining sessions remains insignificant.

UC's raise offer would leave us behind in inflation, setting us up to fall even further behind by 2027. Worse, their healthcare cuts would allow them to raise costs as much as they want, allowing them to take back hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month. Go here to see a comparison of our offer and UC's.

UC continues to bargain in bad faith and plans to unilaterally increase healthcare costs in 2025, all violating California law. Go here to sign a strike pledge today!

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

UPTE STRIKE VOTE RESULTS: UCSF members authorize strike by 98%

Thousands of members participated in our strike vote at UCSF, voting yes to strike by 98% and dwarfing turnout from all past UPTE strike votes.

Over 75% of healthcare workers voted to strike, meaning that our power to hold UC accountable will be on full display at UCSF's Medical Centers, labs, and clinics.

A strike at UCSF may be announced at any time. UPTE will provide at least 10 days notice to the University and has already reminded them of their responsibility to plan for this.

Click here to find a strike FAQ.

We are limiting this strike to UCSF in order to give UC an opportunity to begin to bargain in good faith. If UC continues to commit illegal, unfair labor practices, all of us must be prepared for a statewide strike vote.

Have all of your colleagues pledged to strike already? Please ask to make sure they have today!

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Zac Goldstein Zac Goldstein

Our Strike Vote Has Begun at UCSF, Vote Now!

I am proud that our clinicians, researchers, and technical staff at UCSF are prepared to be the first to stand up and strike to hold the UC system accountable for its unfair labor practices. UCSF members, you can cast your ULP strike authorization vote now by visiting

We cannot allow UC to drag out negotiations and prolong the crisis of recruitment and retention with these illegal tactics. If UC continues its pattern of unfair practices, we need everyone across the state to be ready to vote to strike, too. While UCSF votes, ensure all your coworkers have signed a commitment card and are ready to join us.

What are some ways UC has bargained in bad faith, putting patient care, and research at risk by prolonging the recruitment and retention crisis?

  • Sending representatives who lack the authority to address the critical issues we've raised at the bargaining table;

  • Making proposals that they know we would not accept;

  • Refusing to disclose the number of unfilled positions in our titles statewide—or how many millions of dollars they're saving by not filling budgeted staff.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Bargaining Update #9: More bad-faith bargaining from UC with 2 weeks until our contracts expire

We are now in our 5th month of negotiations and our contracts expire in less than 2 weeks. Yet the University has not ended its unfair practices, made significant movement on our priorities, nor even provided a complete contract proposal. 

UC has not provided any pay proposal at all for Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) and has not responded to proposals that UPTE made more than 2 months ago, such as Shift Differentials and Subcontracting.

At bargaining yesterday at UC Santa Cruz, UPTE members once again packed the room to share stories of how poor compensation, misclassification, lack of career progression and more are impacting our students and our research. We were also joined by State Assemblywoman Gail Pellerin who called on the University to address the affordability crisis, and by State Senator John Laird who pledged his support if a strike becomes necessary. 

Our rally was covered by KSBW Action News 8, local NPR affiliate KAZU 90.3, and Lookout Santa Cruz.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

How much could UC’s cost-shifting cost you?

On Friday, October 11, UPTE filed an unfair labor practice charge in response to UC’s bad faith bargaining and illegal plan to implement unlimited healthcare cost increases while we are bargaining. UC currently pays 76-95% of monthly healthcare premiums on Kaiser & UC Blue & Gold plans, thanks to the $25 annual limit we won in our last contract.

After significant increases in 2024, this saved up to $224/month compared to non-union employees. By proposing to remove the cap, UC wants the ability to shift up to $2,451.37 per month in costs to us - numbers that are likely to increase dramatically in 2025 and beyond.

What UC is proposing in bargaining:

  • No limit on healthcare premium increases

  • $100 subsidy for Pay Band 1, $75 subsidy for Pay Band 2 (after their increases)

Some of what UC is planning to implement outside of bargaining in 2025:

  • 9% increase in cost on pay bands 1 and 2 (those making less than $140,000)

  • 11% increase in cost on pay bands 3 and 4 (those making more than $140,000)

  • CORE PPO no longer no-cost (premium cost not announced)

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Enough is enough. Your UPTE bargaining team has called for a strike vote.

For months, we have been met with UC's bad faith at the bargaining table, and unfair labor practices by the University even longer.

UC is sitting on billions in reserves due to vacancies but fails to provide us with information we need - and are legally entitled to - about staffing, vacancies, or how much they are saving while our patients, research, and students suffer the effects of short staffing.

Adding insult to the University's predictably unacceptable proposals at bargaining, UC just announced massive increases to employee healthcare costs. They plan to increase premiums by 9-11%, eliminate the one no-cost insurance plan, raise co-pays from $20 to $30 per outpatient visit, and shift 30% of specialty drug prices to employees. UC never even proposed these changes to UPTE – it is just making the changes unilaterally.

UC has the ability to avoid a strike action by changing their behavior, which we sincerely hope that they do before a strike is called. Click here to pledge to strike and vote YES on the first day!

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

Bargaining Update #8: UC Proposes Unlimited Healthcare Premium Increases

At last week's bargaining session, UC proposed to remove the current $25 cap on annual healthcare premium increases on Kaiser and Blue & Gold Plans in exchange for a $100 and $75 subsidy for those in Pay Bands 1 and 2, respectively.

Days before, UC revealed that they are planning 9-11% premium increases for 2025, alongside increases in co-pays and a new 30% coinsurance fee for specialty drugs of up to $150/prescription.

This subsidy might provide a benefit to those in pay bands 1 and 2 in 2025 but would increase rates by up to $126/month for those on pay bands 3 and 4 and allow UC to shift an unlimited amount of their cost onto everyone in subsequent years. 

With just a month before our contracts expire, UC is not only trying to keep our pay below inflation, they are trying to give themselves a free hand to push us even further and further behind each year by offsetting healthcare premium costs on us.

There is no question that UC’s healthcare proposal would deepen the recruitment and retention crisis. Sign a strike pledge now to let UC know you are ready to stand with nearly 7,000 other UPTE members who have already pledged to strike.

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Andrew Baker Andrew Baker

UPTE President Dan Russell: "With one month before our contracts expire, UC continues bargaining in bad faith and commits other unfair practices outside of bargaining."

We are now just a month away from our the expiration of our contracts. Instead of taking our concerns, our testimony, or our demands seriously, UC continues bargaining in bad faith and commits other unfair practices outside of bargaining.

One of UC's most egregious unfair labor practices is their failure to bargain in good faith over our demands that impact staffing levels. On April 12, 2023, we requested information that would help us better understand the depths of the recruitment and retention crisis, such as the number of vacant positions in UPTE job titles across the state. 18 months later, we have yet to receive any of this information.

Why is UC withholding this data? Do they not want the public to know how many budgeted healthcare providers, researchers, and technical positions are being left empty while patient care, research, and students suffer?

Enough is enough. After 4 months of bargaining, we are now just a month away from our contracts being expired. Instead of listening to your demands, concerns, and testimony, UC continues bargaining in bad faith and commits other unfair practices outside of bargaining.

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