Call for nominations for the 2024 UPTE Convention

Our next convention has officially been scheduled! In 2024, our next convention will take place at the San Diego Mission Bay Resort on September 28 & 29. The delegate nomination closes on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

To nominate yourself or someone else as a Delegate to the UPTE Convention, please send the following to

Statement (from or on behalf of nominee):

If the same or fewer members accept nomination to serve as convention delegates as allotted to that campus, they shall be considered elected by acclamation. If more than the allotted number of members accept nomination then an election will be held and the top ranking candidates will serve as delegates.

All members in good standing are eligible to serve as convention delegates. If you want to be a delegate, you should run for this position with the intention of attending the entirety of the convention. UPTE will pay for hotel rooms, airfare/mileage, and other reasonable travel expenses.

At the convention, elected delegates from workplaces across California take time to democratically determine the direction of our union while also participating in training and education workshops about building our union.

The number of delegate seats will be allocated proportionally by chapter as follows:

Chapter Number of Delegates
UC Berkeley/Office of the President 9
UC Los Angeles 25
UC Santa Cruz 5
UC Santa Barbara 6
UC Riverside 4
UC Davis 23
UC San Francisco 27
UC Irvine 11
UC San Diego 21
UC Merced 1
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 6
Butte College 6
College of the Sequoias 6
Mt. San Jacinto College 6
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 6
Los Alamos National Laboratory 1

This serves as notice of the electronic election vendor for the 2024 UPTE Convention Delegate Election. The UPTE Convention will be held in San Diego from September 28 to 29. If delegate nominations are contested, ElectionBuddy will hold and manage an electronic election. Subsequently, the notice and timeline for delegate nominations and election will be announced.


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