UPTE President Dan Russell: Looking ahead at the next phase in our efforts to prepare for UC bargaining in 2024 and beyond

"Over the last 3 months, more members have participated in our UC Contract Priorities program than our entire last round of contract negotiations. Still, we have much work to do to build our capacity to engage with everyone we represent before we begin negotiations next year. 

Now, we'll be reaching out to the respected colleagues identified by our coworkers to ask them to step up and join our Unit and Workplace Representative Councils. We'll also be reviewing the Contract Priorities Forms and developing our Bargaining Survey in consultation with our Unit and Workplace Reps.

In June, more than 100 UPTE leaders will meet in Oakland for the 31st UPTE Convention to discuss strategy and participate in training, workshops, and breakout groups as we prepare to continue building the power to win the best contracts in UPTE's history.

While UC has recently been claiming financial distress at various levels, our research shows that it is actually wealthier than ever. UC's total assets have increased by 60.5% since 2014 to $152 billion and its medical centers are sitting on $6 billion in unrestricted funds; well over required reserves. The UC regents recently gave the UCSD chancellor a 90% raise to over $1 million in salary.

Thanks to our 2018-2019 contract fight, UPTE-represented staff will receive at least 8% in raises - including step increases - through July 1, 2024. We know that we need to win even larger raises in 2025 to make up for what we've lost due to inflation.

In order to build our power beyond the 18,000 we currently represent, UPTE is expanding our efforts to win representation for workers who UC has unfairly and illegally excluded from UPTE over the years. We continue bargaining pay scales for Systems Administrators, Behavioral Health Counselors and Psychiatric Professionals, and Optometrists— and we continue organizing efforts for many more job titles.

Thanks to our ongoing growth - and in order to support it - we have created and filled 10 new UPTE staff positions over the last year. We look forward to continuing to accomplish more as we build our capacity and welcome more members and leaders into our ranks!"


UC’s proposals continue to be unacceptable


UPTE members are fighting back against misclassification across the UC—and we're winning