Dispatch from Negotiations: UPTE President Dan Russell shares his reactions to our first month of negotiations with the University of California

Make sure you and your coworkers are getting updates from the UPTE bargaining team fighting for fair pay, career progression, work/life balance, safe staffing, and job security—not the team representing management who is negotiating against us.

Watch and share our first Dispatch from Negotiations on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Threads.

Our first month of bargaining with the University of California for UPTE healthcare, research, and technical members is in the books and our solidarity was on full display all month. You can find bargaining updates after each week of negotiations at www.upte.org/uofcalifornia.

During both weeks of negotiations in San Diego and later San Francisco, members joined us for in-person rallies at lunchtime and packed the bargaining room throughout the rest of the day to observe, show their support for our team, and occasionally provide scheduled testimony on a particular issue. These first-hand accounts, and our visible displays of unity, have a powerful impact on bargaining.

On the second day of negotiations in San Diego, UC’s team took an extended lunch break to avoid facing a crowd of members rallying outside. One day one in San Francisco, they showed up a full hour late to bargaining and refused to stay for hundreds of members who were prepared to observe during lunch, leading to an impromptu rally outside calling on them to get back to the table and negotiate in good faith. Across the state, members wore UPTE stickers, buttons, shirts, and more to show their support.

UC isn’t going to give us everything we ask for because we ask nicely—and their conduct in bargaining with our sister union AFSCME 3299 has made that clear. UC is offering AFSCME members only 5% in 2025, including steps - doing nothing to address the inflation of the past 3 years. They also rejected AFSCME’s vacation and work/life balance proposals.

Everything we do this year has to show UC that we are united and prepared  to pull off a super-majority strike statewide if they continue committing illegal and unfair labor practices or fail to take our proposals seriously. 

We're hopeful we can quickly reach a deal at the table, but we’re also beginning to educate each other early about our rights if a strike becomes necessary. UC needs to see that we’re ready to fight to win the world-class contract we deserve. If you’re eager to get strike school scheduled at your workplace, reach out to your local leadership and staff organizers and let them know. Otherwise, we’ll be sharing more details soon.

Our next round of bargaining will take place on July 18-19 at UCLA. If you’re in the LA area, stay tuned for details if you’re able to join us. 

In solidarity,

Dan Russell

UPTE President & Chief Negotiator


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