Strikes Authorized by 98%, Statewide Strike Called for Feb 26 - 28

Our statewide strike vote has closed, and today, UPTE is announcing a statewide strike from February 26 to 28, 2025, in response to UC's ongoing unfair labor practices.You can check out our announcement in the Los Angeles Times.

You should not report to work for any shifts beginning on February 26th, 27th, or February 28thClick here for FAQs about the strike

Four times as many UPTE members participated this time compared to our last statewide strike vote in 2018, voting to authorize the strike by 98%. Instead of working together to address the recruitment and retention crisis, UC is attempting to silence workers for speaking out for our patients, research, and students. 

RSVP for our UPTE Statewide Strike Town Hall on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from noon to 1 pm. We'll discuss the strike vote results, our next steps, and how we can stand together to protect our rights.

UC has enacted new rules to limit our ability to advocate for ourselves and interfered with our rights by unilaterally forcing individuals to come to work during our November unfair practice strike at UCSF. With public healthcare, research, and education under attack from the federal government, it is more important than ever that we defend our rights to advocate for our professions.

Whether UC attempts to stop us from speaking up for patient care, students, or the public—or continues bargaining in bad faith—it is up to us to take action to hold them accountable. Don't just stay home from work; our patients, research, and students are counting on us.

Sign up for a shift now and join us in person on the picket line.

Thousands of workers on the picket line will counter UC's narrative that the strike has no impact, encourage colleagues on the fence not to cross, and show our determination to the press, elected officials, and other supporters joining us for noon-time rallies.

I'll see you on the picket line!

In solidarity,

Dan Russell
UPTE President


UPTE files major charge against UC’s crackdown on free speech