Physicians Assistants in Davis win a 6% equity increase

The Physician Assistants (PAs) at UC Davis recently won a 6% equity increase that also brings them closer to pay parity with Nurse Practitioners (NPs). The shift rates were adjusted to further increase pay parity with the NPs. Call pay was also increased from $12 - $15, making it the highest call pay at UCD for the healthcare professionals unit. 

"This is only the beginning! Smiley, the workplace rep, and I are looking forward to the year ahead to attain more equality with our nurse practitioner partners and a step system that will allow for job advancement for our profession at UC Davis and Statewide,"said John Ancona, a PA and unit rep at UC Davis.

PAs do similar work as NPs, but have different education pathways which results in greater flexibility in our roles. Part of their education gives them advanced surgical training, which is a job requirement in many departments where they are hired in the UC system. PAs also have to meet 100 hours of CME every 2 years, divided into category 1 & 2, to meet our license requirements. 

To secure this victory, PAs worked together by taking collective action to see this through. Members took a series of actions including a letter campaign and a march to the CMO's office, which was met with positive responses. We also worked to dramatically increase our membership by signing up new members and show management that we are united. 

A strong membership working together and taking collective action will allow our PA profession to continue to improve working conditions so that experienced staff are retained and patients get the quality care they deserve. 


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