In their fight for proper classification and accurate job titles, UCNRS researchers win 12% increases

Misclassification of employees can manifest itself in various ways. Sometimes, UC management might request that employees carry out tasks that fall outside their official job roles, or there could be instances where members work under antiquated job titles that fail to represent their efforts accurately. Misclassifying job titles and the scope of duty affects members' fair representation of their work and appropriate compensation. UPTE has been actively advocating for the reclassification of such positions and fighting for better wages to address these concerns.

Our efforts have proven successful in various instances, most recently by researcher members working at UC's Natural Reserve System, who just secured a substantial twelve percent raise while retaining un.

UCNRS is a network of protected natural areas throughout California managed by UC. The Natural Reserve System comprises numerous sites encompassing a wide range of ecosystems, from coastal tidepools to inland deserts and lush wetlands to dry woodlands. UPTE members in research roles at UCNRS are an invaluable asset to education, conservation, and the advancement of scientific understanding of natural environments.

However, living and working in expensive regions of California can pose significant financial challenges. Without adequate wages, some members have to juggle multiple jobs, making the fight for fair compensation that matches their dedication and expertise all the more important.

The crucial need for accurate job classification and compensation led the affected workers to speak up for improved pay. After some back-and-forth discussions with management, it was recognized that these researchers needed to be reclassified into higher-paying titles to reflect the scope of their responsibilities, which ultimately led to a twelve percent raise for members at UCNRS.

While members are celebrating the increase in pay, there is still work to be done on this front. Members have expressed concern that the title classification and scope of duty still need to be revised. UPTE members remain committed to fighting for proper job classifications and an accurate scope of duty that appropriately reflects their vital work for the UC Natural Reserve System.

Zac Goldstein

UPTE Communications Specialist


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