UPTE localwide and chapter election results are official

Learn more at upte.org/elections

Thank you to everyone who participated in UPTE's 2023 elections for statewide officers, Executive Board, and Chapter Chair/Co-Chairs. A mail election was held from October 25 - November 18, managed by MK Elections. Ballots were counted on November 18, 2023 and the results became official after no challenges were filed in the 10 days following the tentative certification.

Below are the final election results, which have been certified by the election committee:

  • UPTE-CWA 9119 President

    • ELECTED: Dan Russell, UC Berkeley, Business Technical Support Analyst 3

    • Elizabeth Milos, UC San Francisco, Medical Interpreter 2

  • UC Irvine Executive Board Member (1)

    • ELECTED: Sarah Pinka Majchrowski, Case Manager

    • Enrique Trinidad, Nuclear Medicine Technologist

  • UC Irvine Chapter Chair (1)

    • Jonathan Elder, Clinical Social Worker 3

    • ELECTED: Stephen Lee, Pharmacist SR

  • UC Davis Executive Board Member (2)

    • ELECTED: Jamie McDole, Clinical Case Manager

    • Jacob Bernhardt, Television Engineer

    • ELECTED: Eugene Burbige, Staff Pharmacist 2

  • LLNL Chapter Chair (1)

    • ELECTED: Matthew Epperley, Sheetmetal Worker

    • Jason D. Murray, Maintenance Mechanic


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