Agreement Reached for SysAdmin 1-3 Raises & Back-Pay!

We are happy to report that Systems Administrators 1-3 will finally be receiving the raises from the TX contract, which have been withheld by UC since June of 2019. The raises total up to 21.5% (or 23.4% with compounding), including full back pay, and 6% simple interest, as part of an agreement reached late last night to resolve an Unfair Labor Practice filed by UPTE. Read below for details and a link to the full agreement.

Moreover, those at UCLA who received the Systems Administrator 1-3 title between July 2, 2020 and October 31, 2022 but were in a Programmer Analyst title as of July 1, 2020 and/or July 1, 2021 will be eligible for those raises, offset by any merit increases received in those years. For example, someone who received a Systems Administrator 1-3 title in August of 2022 and received 3% in total merit increases during 2020 and 2021 as a Programmer Analyst would receive an additional 3.5%. If the same individual received 7% merit as a Programmer Analyst during those years, they would not receive anything additional for those years and will have no offset of any TX raises. 

This victory would not be possible without our Union and the contract that thousands of UPTE members fought and sacrificed for. We hope that this significant increase in pay will bring UC’s position closer to UPTE’s in ongoing negotiations over pay scales and other items specific to SysAdmin 1-3. SysAdmin participation and membership will be crucial to ensuring that we have pay scales that allow our wages to continue to grow over the course of our careers.

Please encourage your SysAdmin colleagues to update their UPTE membership today

Raises and back pay will be paid within 120 days, effective to the first full pay period on or after the following dates:

  • 3% June 1, 2019

  • 3% July 1, 2019

  • 3% January 1, 2020

  • 3% July 1, 2020

  • 3.5% July 1, 2021

  • 2-3% January 1, 2022 (in lieu of a step increase)*

  • 3% July 1, 2022

* Campus Step Values

  • UCI: 2%

  • UCSF: 3%

  • UCM: 2%

  • UCSD: 2%

  • UCSC: 2.5%

  • UCOP: 2.5%

  • UCLA: 2.25%

  • UCB: 2.3%

  • UCD: 2%

  • UCSB: 2.4%

  • UCR: 2.2%

Up to 5% in merit increases received after the Public Employment Relations Board had ordered SysAdmin 1-3 to be represented by UPTE on May 23rd, 2017 will be offset from the first 2 raises for June and July 2019.

Example 1: If a SysAdmin 3 at UCI received merit increases of 9% (roughly the average amount) between 2017 and 2019, their offset will be capped at 5%: 3% from the June 2019 and 2% from the July 2019 raises. This SysAdmin 3 would be eligible for a total raise of 15.5% (1+3+3+3.5+2+3), plus back pay starting with the 1% not offset from July 2019, plus compounding and 6% interest on all back pay.

Example 2: If a SysAdmin 2 at UCSF received 2% in merit increases between 2017 and 2019, only 2% will be offset from their June 2019 raise. This SysAdmin 2 would be eligible for a total raise of 19.5% (1+3+3+3+3.5+3+3), plus back pay starting with the 1% not offset from June 2019, plus compounding and 6% interest on all back pay.

Any other raises given, such as equity increases or reclassification/promotion, are not subject to any offset.

All retroactive increases will apply to Highest Average Plan Compensation (HAPC), which will increase pension payments for most individuals close to retirement.

To be eligible for each raise, you must have been in a SysAdmin 1-3 title at that time the raise should have been paid and have remained in a SysAdmin 1-3 title until the payment is made.

Additionally, to be eligible for the 2-3% step increase from January 2022, at that time you must have been past your probationary period, in a career position, and have received a “meets expectations” or better on your most recent performance review (or had no review at all for that period).

The agreement, which you can read in full here, also contains provisions benefitting retirees and those who became SysAdmin 4s during this period. Contact your UPTE Leadership Development Coordinator if you have questions about this or next steps on your campus.

In Solidarity,

Dan Russell, UPTE President

BTSA3, UC Berkeley


2022 UPTE Interim Election Tentative Results