2022 UPTE Interim Election Tentative Results

We have counted the mail-in ballots received for the 2022 Interim Election. We certify that the ballot tally was fairly and accurately conducted, the secrecy of the ballots was maintained, and that the election results are as indicated as below. 

UC San Francisco Board Representative:
Shawn Singh: 164          77%
Elisa Cleveland: 49        23%

UC San Diego Board Representative:
Samantha Warsh: 151   88%
Danny Kovacs: 20          12%

UC Davis Board Representative:
Amy Fletcher: 145           61%
Jamie McDole: 93           39%

Number of ballots received and counted: 624

Number of spoiled ballots: 0

Number of void ballots; 2

Number of challenged ballots: 13

Absent a challenge to the election, the tentative result shall become final after 10 days from the date of tentative certification.


UPTE-CWA 9119 Election Committee:
Elizabeth Geno, Chair, Robyn Miles, and Jim Wolford


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