UC 2022 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Policy

UC has announced its plan for implementing the 2022 Emergency Paid Sick Leave law recently passed in Sacramento as a result of a broad effort by California Unions and community groups. You can read the details here and find instructions along with a form for requesting to use the leave here.

You will receive a two week equivalent of your appointment percentage – eg. 80 hours for 100% appointment, 40 hours for 50% appointment, etc. that can be used through September 30, 2022. The leave can be used for quarantine/isolation, testing, vaccination, caring for a family member, or caring for a child whose school or daycare has closed.

The leave can be applied retroactively to January 1, 2022, so if you have used other leaves or taken leave without pay for qualifying reasons since then, make sure to request that this leave be applied retroactively and that you have any leaves credited or unpaid leave paid.

Any hours remaining from the 2021 Emergency Paid Sick Leave program can also be used through September 30, 2022.

Contact your UPTE Local Leadership or Leadership Development Coordinator if you have any questions.

In Solidarity,
Dan Russell, President
Business Technology Support Analyst, UC Berkeley
Ursula Quinn, Vice President
Occupational Therapist, UC Los Angeles
Matias Campos, Executive Vice President
Pharmacist, UC San Francisco
Carole Netter, Treasurer
Physical Therapist, UC Los Angeles
Matt Stephen, Secretary
Physician Assistant, UC San Francisco


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