One Day Longer, One Day Stronger: Solidarity With UAW Academic Workers on Strike

UPTE stands fully in solidarity with 48,000 UAW-represented academic workers who continue a historic strike for fair wages and working conditions for a 4th week. UC management alone is to blame for the unfortunate disruption to academic life. UAW’s fight will only benefit generations of students and workers to come.

This is the largest academic strike in US history and promises to transform the conditions for academic workers across the country. Read one student striker’s story here, in the LA Times.

UPTE is deeply disappointed that some campuses and departments have asked UPTE members to volunteer to help proctor exams and undermine UAW’s strike.

UPTE strongly encourages all UPTE members to turn down any voluntary requests to perform UAW work such as exam proctoring. Report to UPTE immediately any UAW work that you are being told to perform. Please continue to join UAW picket lines and other actions on non-work time as you are able.

UPTE will be joining UAW for a mass rally at UCLA’s Luskin Conference Center, where the UC Regents plan to meet on Wednesday at 9:30AM. Click here to RSVP if you can join us!

In Solidarity,
Dan Russell
President, UPTE-CWA
Business Technology Support Analyst, UC Berkeley


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