College of the Sequoias workers win new contract with fair pay, better working conditions, and improved job security

College of the Sequoias Adjunct Faculty Association/University Professional and Technical Employees (COSAFA/UPTE) members ratified a new contract. In September, COSAFA/UPTE’s bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with the administration and the Board of Trustees at College of the Sequoias. Now, it goes to the Board of Trustees for a final vote.

“We are thrilled to announce a significant victory—our collective power, including each and every part-time faculty member, has led to ratifying a new contract with the administration and the Board of Trustees at College of the Sequoias,” expressed Danielle Alberti, president of College of the Sequoias Adjunct Faculty Association/UPTE, Sam Brookshire, vice president of the COSAFA/UPTE chapter, and Charles Slaght, the COSAFA/UPTE chapter’s secretary-treasurer. “That success is a testament to our unity and determination in fighting for fair pay, better working conditions, and improved job security, all of which are key achievements of our new contract.”

Between September 17 and 24, 112 part-time faculty members of COSAFA/UPTE cast their ballots to ratify the new contract with the administration and the Board of Trustees at College of the Sequoias.

The new contract includes several substantial financial and non-financial improvements for part-time faculty. Among the financial gains are a 2.07 percent hourly rate increase retroactive to August 1 and the addition of longevity steps at 10, 15, and 20 years of service. For the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic years, the California Community College cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) plus 1 percent will apply. Large lecture pay steps will see a 25 percent increase, and non-instructional faculty will now receive the lecture rate. 

The class cancellation stipend has doubled and now applies up to two weeks before the semester begins. Faculty will receive fairer compensation for lab setup and cleanup (pending Dean approval) increases for coaches, and boosts to the Faculty Enrichment Committee and office hour budgets. Distance education training compensation has been improved for those required to teach online, and there is now fair sick leave pay for those who run out.

On the non-financial side, part-time faculty are now entitled to a year-long unpaid leave of absence, with clarified protections around involuntary breaks in service, which now include situations where no class fitting the faculty member’s availability is offered. Additionally, updated evaluation forms have been introduced, making the process more equitable, objective, and streamlined.

We’re proud that COSAFA/UPTE members at College of the Sequoias cast a ballot, unanimously voting yes to support our proposals to win a strong contract at the public community college in the San Joaquin Valley. The new contract results from all part-time faculty members coming together through our union, COSAFA/UPTE, fighting for equitable pay, enhanced working conditions, and increased job security.

“Remember, it’s our collective strength that helped us achieve our new contract,” continued Danielle. “Together, we can continue building a stronger, more inclusive union that represents the goals and priorities of every COSAFA/UPTE member at College of the Sequoias.”


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