Welcome to the UC Optometrist

Unfair Labor Practice Strike Hub

UPTE Optometrists’ Powerful Unfair Labor Practice Strike Caught the Public Eye

I don’t know about you, but I am still riding high on what we accomplished in February. Optometrists sent a powerful message to the University of California while participating in our unfair labor practice strike on Tuesday, February 6, and Wednesday, February 7, 2024: Stop your union-busting and bad-faith bargaining tactics and address the issues optometrists are demanding and their patients deserve.

Over a thousand people came to rally with us during the two-day unfair labor practice strike. It was clear that all who attended were inspired by our show of unity, bravery, and determination. Multiple news stories were made about our unfair labor practice strike, including coverage in KQED, NBC Bay Area, The Davis Enterprise, the Optometry Times, and the American Optometric Association. The strike truly captured the attention of the public as we braved wind, rain, and pushback from labor relations to demand UC resolve its unfair labor practices and bargain in good faith to improve patient care and the dignity of our profession.

The fight is not over yet! The ULP Strike was a powerful sign of our commitment, but we will need to keep the pressure up if we want the University to bargain in good faith.

When we fight, we win.


Lauren Guajardo
Optometrist 3, HX Unit
University of California, Davis