Bargaining Update #10: Exciting non-economic wins in bargaining!

On Monday, November 18, we made significant progress on several important non-economic issues. We finalized three key articles that will strengthen our union and support our members at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for years to come:

  • WIN: Labor-Management Committee with Davis-Bacon on the Agenda: We secured regular meetings between four union representatives and Management to address workplace issues, including Davis-Bacon topics.

  • WIN: Davis-Bacon Appeals Process: Our new contract will include an appeals process with full transparency.Management will share the results of all appeals with the union. You can begin submitting appeals using this form.

  • WIN: New Hire Orientation & Improved Access: New hires will now meet with a shop steward for an hour to learn about the union. We also won better access for union organizers and staff when they are on site.

We still have much work ahead, but momentum is on our side. Please connect with your shop steward for updates on upcoming events and bargaining sessions.

Apprenticeship program feedback needed!

We need your input on Management’s proposed apprenticeship program. The proposal includes on-the-job training led by certified journeymen who will receive an additional $2 per hour for training apprentices (note: this premium will not count toward retirement benefits and is subject to state certification). Please fill out the survey here to share your thoughts. You can review the full proposal here.

Zac Goldstein

UPTE Communications Specialist


Bargaining Update #11: Management makes small movement on their wage proposal


Bargaining Update #9: Significant progress on union-strengthening language